Skin Rash in Infants
Although skin rash in infants is common and usually not serious, it is important to understand what is causing the skin rash. Diaper rash, Eczema, and Milia are skin rashes often identified with infants, yet a rash caused by latex is often overlooked.
Pacifiers and latex gloves (used by healthcare workers) are oftentimes the culprit in rashes found in infants. Although these rashes are typically not serious, identifying the cause of the rash is the first step in making the infant comfortable.
Some of the symptoms infants may be experiencing by coming into contact with latex include:
Vytex NRL is the future of latex. Our patented process has lowered the levels of antigenic proteins associated with latex. By lowering these naturally occurring proteins, we have not sacrificed the positive characteristics of latex, including superior barrier protection, tactile sensitivity, tensile strength, comfort, elasticity and fit.