Minor Skin Irritation
he demand for latex-safe products is on the rise. Minor skin irritations caused by using latex products are a common occurrence. Manufacturers and medical professionals are leading the charge to provide safer latex products for those who suffer from latex allergies.
Vytex NRL is the future of latex. Our patented process has lowered the levels of antigenic proteins associated with latex. By lowering these naturally occurring proteins, we have not sacrificed the positive characteristics of latex, including superior barrier protection, tactile sensitivity, tensile strength, comfort, elasticity and fit. Because minor skin irritations are a common problem, more individuals are educating themselves on ways they can lower the risk of irritations.
If you are one of many who suffer from skin irritations associated with latex products, it is important to know what type of products you may use that contain latex. These include:
To learn more about how your product could use Vytex NRL or more about minor skin irritations associated with the use of latex products, please visit www.vytex.com.