Latex Rubber GlovesLatex rubber gloves are used for everyday chores such as washing dishes and general house cleaning. They are also valuable to professionals who work closely with acids, detergents, alcohols, salts and animal fats. While practical and effective, latex rubber gloves can pose a serious risk to thousands of users who suffer from latex allergies.
Vystar Corporation created Vytex® Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) because the world needs better latex products such as latex rubber gloves. Vystar’s research team devoted more than seven years to finding a way to significantly reduce the allergy-causing proteins typically found in traditional natural rubber latex. This process uses the same chemical compound that has been accepted for use in water purification.
Vystar and a U.S. manufacturer have received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a new exam glove made with Vytex NRL.
If you have a skin reaction or other types of allergies caused by wearing latex rubber gloves, please contact your physician. If you would like to learn more about Vytex NRL and upcoming products, please contact us.