Since our founding in 2001, Vystar Corporation has been dedicated to one cause: creating a natural rubber latex (NRL) with all the properties of NRL but without the allergy-causing proteins and impurities.
The early years : From 2001-2007, operations focused on the early stage research, development, testing and commercialization of the product that is now patented and trademarked as Vytex® NRL, a revolutionary all-natural raw material that significantly reduces antigenic proteins found in natural rubber latex. In 2007, we were named a “Top Ten Innovative Technology Company” by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG).
2008 : We finalized our toll manufacturing agreement with Revertex Malaysia.
2009 : We signed agreement with Centrotrade Minerals and Metals, Inc. and Centrotrade Deutschland, GmbH, to distribute Vytex® Natural Rubber Latex (NRL), to manufacturers in North America and Europe and we helped launch the first product made with Vytex NRL, the Envy™ Ultra Thin condom.
2010 :An agreement was signed with GrupoAgroindustrialOccidente, the largest processor of natural rubber and latex in Latin and South America, to sell and market Vytex NRL throughout Latin America and to supply Vytex NRL to North America. Also in 2010, we signed an agreement with KA Prevulcanised Latex Pvt. Ltd., India’s largest latex prevulcanized concentrate processor. This agreement with KAPVL is for the manufacture and sales of Vytex NRL in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
Beginning in 2011 : Pioneer Balloon Company, one of the largest US producers of balloons, began production of a line of Vytex NRL balloons. Several adhesive and foam manufacturers have also begun to use Vytex NRL and Vystar continues to work with manufacturers across a broad range of consumer and medical products.
2015 to Present : Vystar has become a global company with many brands and products in the eco-friendly space. Vystar has acquired makes products in the green energy sector like Fluid Energy Conversion, FDA Class II Air Purifiers under our RXAIR brand in both residential and Medical, range of and a wide Latex products; pillows, mattress toppers, mattresses and components used in bedding.